Monday, May 18, 2009

Goodnight, Season.

I promise to talk more fashion and gossip of New York City in upcoming posts, but I had to share this with everyone. I said in a previous post how when Will Ferrel hosted this past episode and season finale of Saturday Night Live it was filled with pure comedic and improv genius from classics to new skits. Well this video is from that episode, but has been taken down on most other websites, I'm guessing copyright laws for the song. But the next time you reminisce about a past vacation to Vietnam, I vow you break out into song and celebrity posse to back you up. Or maybe just Tom Hanks on sax.

What a great way to end a season.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

NY NY Sports Sports.

This commercial is actually really funny, and pretty accurate.

And I Say Yes, You Look Wonderful Tonight.

Dear Conan,
New York misses you. We are hurt that you left us for the west coast. Please come back.

A new Conan O'Brien will air on June 1st, replacing Jay Leno on his LA filmed, "The Tonight Show." But will it be the same watching Conan and knowing it was filmed 3,000 miles away? I'm just not sure, only time will tell. You're breaking my heart, O'Brien.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Ma, the Meatloaf!

It's a rainy night in NYC and I decided to stay in, and a few old friends came over for a bit to watch the Season Finale of SNL with host Will Ferrell. Long story short, the man's a genius so I wanted to post my all time favorite video of Ferrel as our former President (wow, even writing that felt good) George W. Bush called "White House West." Devil horses, Dick Cheney and air guitar, for some reason that sounds oddly a lot like the past 8 years in the White House, probably because it just doesn't make sense. But that's the past, Obama is the future, and Will Ferrel from politics to Frank the Tank will continue to make America laugh.

The Big Apple Pie.

You might believe that since I'm from New York doing anything involving the word "tourist" would give me post traumatic stress, and then an overpriced session with my shrink. Though usually doing anything touristy isn't on the top of my list, the sun shining and smell of summer must have had an affect on my "anti-tourist" receptors recently. I stumbled, literally, upon a guided tour the other day that seemed pretty epic and fun for just about anyone with a spontaneous bone in their body and little cash in their wallet. Scott's Pizza Tours go around the city to some of its famous and historical pizza places, where even the most knowledgeable New Yorker can learn a thing or two, and just be able to have fun. So if you're hungry and want a change of pace just grab a friend, have a few slices and laugh your spontaneously cheesy (get it?) afternoon away. Nobody ever said that staying cultured had to involve going to the MET or reading the Sunday Times every weekend. Go have a slice!

Meg's Tourist Tip:
I'm not going to lie, there have been a few times where I've had to weave my way around families or groups walking in SoHo wearing matching colored shirts and sporting oversized video cameras, and I've mumbled my frustration out under my breath. To avoid annoying fast-paced New Yorkers any further, if you're going to be visiting, do yourself a favor and write this down: leave all coordinated outfits, camera neck strap's and fanny pack's at home. Trust me, as we're approaching a season when it's easier to spot tourists than it is to find bodegas, this is for your own good.

Bryant Park or Bust!

I went for a walk yesterday from Union Square up to Bryant Park with my iPod, book and a really big bottle of water. If you're looking for a place to go sit and read this summer, while soaking in some sun, this is where you should do it. So why are you still sitting inside today? Go grab your book and make it happen. Don't worry - you can just thank me later.

New York Politics: Anything but New Jersey.

Sometimes a political New York, when seen in certain lights, is absolutely hysterical. Actually in any light and at anytime there is a way to make fun of politics, Saturday Night Live can just do it better than anyone else. Bill Hader, one of my all time favorite comedic actors, and Fred Armisen, whose impressions are always effortlessly priceless, completely out did themselves on the Weekend Update from this past weeks episode of Saturday Night Live, with host Justin Timberlake (the Motherlover episode, not D in a B). It's skits like this that prove Lorne Michaels has still got it when choosing his pick of the pack from the cast to the hosts. Remember boys and girls, timing is everything in comedy and now here tonight - Horn Dog & Blurry, so wrong... but so right.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Good, The Bad & The City; We're in New York Baby.

Shopping, music, art, comedy, bagels, the great lawn, cab rides at 5 am, pizza, The Warriors, Lady Liberty, they're all the "original" Ray's, bottle of red, bottle of white, Bobby Dinero, "cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger!", the Wonder Wheel, Annie Hall, Letterman, 2nd Avenue Deli, public transportation, punk rock, the blackout of '03, the Bowery, the winter windows at Saks... I think you get it.

New York is the news capital of the world, and she is my heart and soul. There are things going on in this city every minute of everyday, and sometimes we can forget all the little things she has to offer. I bring you, "The Good, The Bad and The City," as my tribute to New York and all her best qualities, but also some opinions, views, likes and dislikes coming from a born and raised in the city gal. New York is a town that wasn't built for the weak, but for the bold, the spontaneous and the open-minded. Yes, she does have her flaws, but if there wasn't a balance of good and bad, then this wouldn't be New York. Let's have some fun.
